Tarentaise Talk Ads available to purchase starting at $25
ATA Juniors please submit photos to be featured in the Talk.
Deadlines for Tarentaise Talk are March 1, 2024
Please send them to imaginepictureperfect@yahoo.com
Call/Text Tabitha Baker for questions (573) 721-7668
T-Shirts Available
Youth sizes $15 – Adult sizes $20
plus shipping
To place an order call 816-652-2220
(Also available in Navy & Burnt Orange)

Tarentaise Online Registry System
Member Only Page Log In & ATA Cattle Registration System Log In
(Open to Members Only)
Click to Log into your member only page &
the ATA Cattle Registration System
For First time users, they should contact americantarentaiseassociation@gmail.com
for first time log in credentials.
** A valid ATA membership with a valid email address
in the member record is reqired.
Enter email into the form and follow the instructions.**
Thank You to 2024 sponsors of the ATA
Tarentaise cattle in North America were originally imported from the French Alps and improved over the past 50 years to provide the beef cattle industry with the traits required to complement the British breeds and bring higher profitability and efficiency to commercial cattlemen. Tarentaise cattle provide natural muscling, increased milk, excellent fertility, legendary longevity, feet and legs built to travel, length and thickness in a moderate frame, and an adaptability to widely varying range conditions.
Read more about this extraordinary breed on this website and contact a breeder in your area for more information on how you can benefit from using Tarentaise and Tarentaise influenced cattle on your ranch or farm.

10 Reasons for Keeping Tarentaise Cattle
- Produce good yields of milk under poor conditions.
- Produce milk rich in protein and with the optimum protein butter fat ration for production of high quality cheese.
- Are capable of utilizing large quantities of roughage
- Adapt well to wide variation in environment and climate
- Have strong feet enabling them to forage over difficult terrain
- Are of proven high fertility
- Calve easily, rarely requiring assistance
- Have a strong constitution resulting in outstanding longevity, illustrated by a very low culling rate
- Are resistant to ophthalmia and other diseases
- Produce tasty beef economically from young bulls

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