Tarentaise Talk Ads available to purchase starting at $25
ATA Juniors please submit photos to be featured in the Talk
Deadlines for Tarentaise Talk are Sept. 1, 2024
Please send them to imaginepictureperfect@yahoo.com
Call/Text Tabitha Baker for questions (573) 721-7668
PSR Gene Information
Click to Read Natural Genetic Resistance to Infection by Salmonella & E.Coli in Tarentaise Cattle Breed
Natural Genetic Resistance
Click to Read Natural Genetic Resistance to Infection by Salmonella & E.Coli in Tarentaise Cattle Breed
A1 and A2 beta-casein article- for informational purposes only
Click to Read Article on A1 and A2

French Tarentaise Association
UPRA – Tarentaise in France
Cattle Today
Register your cattle for free
Robert Haney
My name is Robert Haney. As a sixteen year old, I am a Yelm High School student and FFA member. I have been in FFA for two years and am a hard worker. In FFA I participate on the live stock judging and the meats judging team. This coming school year I will be taking an agriculture horticulture class so I can stay involved in the FFA. I live on a small piece of land where we have raised horses, chickens, rabbits, pigeons and now my steer which I showed and sold in this August’s fair.
I worked every day with my steer. He sat all day in a lush green grass field even though his breed traditionally climbed the steep meadows of the French Alps. As of July he weighed about 1000 pounds, he consumed 20 pounds of grain a day, and free range grazed in the field all day. Every time I fed him I brushed him out and gave him the attention he needed to grow happily. Every day I haltered him and walked him. Every other day I worked with him specifically for the show ring and the sell ring, too. Yum Yum was a well built steer with a straight back, low to the ground, filled in loin and a finished brisket and square round or rump. In live stock terms, he developed into a sound nicely finished steer ready to hang as high choice with a high cut ability.

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